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Showing posts from May, 2023

Employee Background Check | Indian Regulatory Framework & Best Practices Guide

        Did you know that conducting proper background checks is crucial for any organization to ensure a safe and reliable workforce?  Well, it's true! So, let's look closer at the Indian regulatory framework for employee background check and some best practices to follow. Strap in! Indian Regulatory Framework For Background Checks For Employee Now, let's talk about the regulatory framework that governs online background check for employment in India.  There are a few key acts you need to be aware of: The Indian Contract Act, 1872 provides the legal framework for contracts in India. When conducting background checks, employers must adhere to the principles and obligations outlined in this act. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 lays down the rules and regulations for the conditions of employment in industrial establishments. Employers must comply with these provisions while conducting background checks to ensure a fair and transparent process. The Emplo